Recent research shows that the big block is coming back into fashion for many house hunters. People want to feel that they are not living their...
16 Leschenaultia Street, Roleystone WA 6111
You have probably noticed that Roleystone is a most desirable hills' suburb that offers great value to those who want to move out of the busy city....
42/33 Seaforth Avenue, Gosnells WA 6110
We have one for you and it comes fully assembled. If you were to buy this 2007-built 3x2 villa, you would find yourself just 350m from Seaforth...
143 Holden Road, Roleystone WA 6111
Imagine the delight of approaching home through an automatic gate, down a long driveway, turning into a pretty garden, and pulling up in front of a...
6 Blackwood Drive, Mount Nasura WA 6112
Looking for an easy to clean home allowing you time to be out in the garden, or going for walks in the hills? This could be the perfect match! A...
20 Balivanich Loop, Seville Grove WA 6112
Here is a near-new 4x2 home with study, built in 2015 in a stunning looking brick, extra ceiling height, larger than standard double garage and many...